Wednesday 27 June 2007

Hair Growth, Third Word & Latest weight

Over his first 7 weeks, Charlie's hair appears to have shortened (as well as thinning a little). I have been puzzling over this for a few weeks and have finally figured it out. It is because his head has been growing more rapidly than his hair, causing an optical illusion.

Yesterday we heard another little word from Charlie. This time it sounded like either "Audi" or "'owdy". We assumed it was the second one as we weren't near any cars.

Latest weight is 13lb 6oz which is a gain of 9oz. This puts him in the 91st percentile. A lady stopped Lindz in Sainsbury's yesterday to say "Ooh, what a lovely baby. Isn't he a fat one!". I think that is supposed to be a compliment.

I've attached a couple of pictures - another one on the playmat where he spends most of his free time these days and the other is of him having a power-nap. When sleeping he often holds his hands in the air like this.

Soon I hope to post a video of Charlie's morning waking up ritual. Usually he will squirm, yawn, stretch and gasp for about five minutes before deciding it is time to open his eyes. Sometimes, however, he accidentally falls back to sleep half way through.


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