Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Hair Growth, Third Word & Latest weight

Over his first 7 weeks, Charlie's hair appears to have shortened (as well as thinning a little). I have been puzzling over this for a few weeks and have finally figured it out. It is because his head has been growing more rapidly than his hair, causing an optical illusion.

Yesterday we heard another little word from Charlie. This time it sounded like either "Audi" or "'owdy". We assumed it was the second one as we weren't near any cars.

Latest weight is 13lb 6oz which is a gain of 9oz. This puts him in the 91st percentile. A lady stopped Lindz in Sainsbury's yesterday to say "Ooh, what a lovely baby. Isn't he a fat one!". I think that is supposed to be a compliment.

I've attached a couple of pictures - another one on the playmat where he spends most of his free time these days and the other is of him having a power-nap. When sleeping he often holds his hands in the air like this.

Soon I hope to post a video of Charlie's morning waking up ritual. Usually he will squirm, yawn, stretch and gasp for about five minutes before deciding it is time to open his eyes. Sometimes, however, he accidentally falls back to sleep half way through.


Wednesday, 20 June 2007

I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose. (Woody Allen)

Lindsay was telling Charlie that it was his bedtime earlier this evening when he started laughing (cheeky little poppet). I caught the end of his first laughing fit on video. Then, after about 30 seconds he starts again! This is the first real series of laughs he's done. (See clip below - you really need the sound turned on for this one)

We also believe he said his 2nd word tonight, which sounded like "Hubble". He's obviously been watching too much of The Discovery Channel.

Lindsay had been planning ahead of this week's Tesco delivery because last week the driver banged loudly on the front door and woke Charlie up. This was despite her effort of moving the doorbell to another room to avoid any disturbance. So this week, she saw the van pull up and got to the door before him. This time a giant road re-surfacer drove past at the moment she opened the door and woke Charlie again!

Thursday, 14 June 2007

Video compilation from 6th Week. "If you think I'm cheeky - you should meet my dad"

I've put together a great little video compilation (even if I say so myself) to showcase Charlie's development, outfits and hair-dos from recent days. Please forgive any idiotic baby talk on my part.
As you will see, Charlie still isn't entirely sure which one of us does the lactating....

Baby monologue and I love my babysling

Charlie has continued to be happy over the last few days - see first picture. This morning he gave us a baby monologue that went on for about 5 minutes. I've no idea what he was trying to say but he was definitely delighted about something. I must get one of those baby translator devices featured in The Simpsons.

Baby slings are great. If nothing else will calm Charlie, the sling will. When he's bundled in it, he pulls some interesting expressions as below. In fact, he's in it right now while I'm typing this.

At Lindsay's baby meeting today, all the other babies were fast asleep. Charlie however was wide awake, entertaining all the new mums with his gurgling and smiling.


Tuesday, 12 June 2007

What do babies dream about? + latest weight

People say that babies have a one track mind. There is also speculation as to whether young babies are able to dream. See clip and make up your own mind....

PS. Latest weight 12lb - a gain of 13oz over 6 days.

Sunday, 10 June 2007

Grins on the playmat

Here is some evidence of how happy Charlie is and how much he likes his playmat at the moment. It's pretty difficult to catch these smiles on camera! The next task is to catch his hysterical cackle on video. He laughs really suddenly at random things like light-switches or picture-frames. We did manage to capture some footage of him sucking an imaginary boob while he was asleep. I do hope to upload that soon.


Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Hatton Country World and latest weight

We went to Hatton Country World at the weekend and had our first mini picnic with Charlie, who had a feed outside in the open! He looks really chubby in these photos. I'm sure he's not quite that round in real life. He was weighed today and only put on 5oz in the last week, which takes him to a healthy 11lb 3oz (of which hair makes up only 20%).

I can't believe he's already over a month old, although he does look much "older" than in the early photos of him. Lindz has started going to baby clubs this week and has really enjoyed them. Charlie is the centre of attention as he is younger than the other tiny tots.

There's a prize for anyone who can spot me in one of the following 3 photos.


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