Monday 21 April 2008

Bab Crawl (11 months update)

Charlie has finally started to crawl and now he won't stop. The health visitor thought he wouldn't bother crawling but she got it wrong. He can also pull himself up very quickly on to the side of furniture and stands up in his cot when he's had enough sleep or wants to practice in the middle of the night. He also knows how to turn on the dvd player and open the disc tray, so we have had to do some urgent baby-proofing in the house.

Recently, he has picked up a nasty cough/cold but is starting to get better. Hopefully this means he will build up some immunity for later years. His other top tooth (incisor?) is nearly through but is taking ages to cut through the gum.

More words that he understands are:
balloon (he calls it a bweee)
doggy (geee in Charliespeak)
that (accompainied by a pointing gesture)
Iggle Piggle
PC (as in personal computer)
& no (the most useful word).

He also can nod and shake his head for "yes" and "no" although he often gets a bit carried away with the actions.

Charlie seems to be fond of music. He loves playing with his musical toys, even if it is just to have some tunes on in the background while he chases his "bweee" around the room. Sometimes he even joins in singing with the car radio and can be quite tuneful. This evening he selected a Bach CD from the bookshelf.

I'll try to post a video of him crawling soon.






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