Sunday 14 October 2007

Shades, Bouncing, Sitting, Teeth and Haircut

More development to report since my last post. Charlie has figured out what to do in the door bouncer and now jumps around in an uncoordinated fashion, which is better than just hanging there.

We found a pair of sunglasses in one of the boxes of clothes and felt the need to take an obligatory comedy photo. Fortunately, Charlie shared the joke with us.

His teeth finally started to cut through the gums yesterday afternoon. He's been pretty miserable for a few days with the discomfort from them.
He is quite good at sitting up now and can balance for about 30 seconds before slumping to the side.

Finally, Lindz gave him his first haircut today because he was starting to look like a hippy. She accidentally uncovered a bald patch at the back of his head.

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