Thursday 26 April 2012

Saturday 14 April 2012

The Eiffel Finger

Chasbo was so impressed with the Eiffel tower, he wanted to take a photo of it to preserve the memory.


Much better was his photo of these Rodin sculptures which really captures the three different stages.




Sunday 1 November 2009

Merry Hallowe'en

We had a fun day yesterday for Hallowe'en. Charlie had been looking
forward to our little party for about 2 weeks and hadn't stopped
talking about it. He thought there would be a birthday cake for some

We had a giant spider, lots of carved pumpkins, a smoke machine and a
"pumpkin hunt" down the street.

I made a spicy pumpkin soup but burnt my fingers while trying to serve
it - "Doh!"
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Sunday 25 October 2009

Potty about the potty

Yesterday we started some proper potty training with Charlie, after getting him used to the idea for a week or two. This involved the Gina Ford method where you don't even leave the house for the first 2 days.

Anyway, without getting in to "too much information", Charlie had about 3 accidents yesterday morning, while getting used to the new routine and then he's been perfect ever since! We're hoping that it just took 4 hours in total - he's a quick learner.

Year 2 video montage

I've just uploaded the video compilation I made of Charlie's 2nd year. He changed a lot during the course of that year and also since his 2nd birthday.

Charlie likes watching this video of himself. He shouts out the names of any family and friends he spots during the film and laughs when he tries to hit his mummy (22 seconds). When it comes to the end, he demands to watch it again.

N.B. On 6min 11sec some footage is missing but I haven't got time to re-master the video for the time being!

Friday 23 October 2009

I golfed it!

Another highlight from our week off was playing 9 holes of golf while
Charlie was in nursery. Both of us seemed to be able to string a few
shots together despite no practice for about 3 years.

Lindz forgot one rule though - you're not supposed to walk off with
the flag in your bag after each hole! :)