Wednesday 21 May 2008

Walking (Aided)

To go one better than just crawling, Charlie has quickly started to get up and about. He now can walk around with the aid of a support like this "Stride & Ride" which his Uncle Buster bought for Christmas. He can also climb the stairs with ease and lives up to his "Indiana Chasbo" nickname. His favourite word at the moment is "Hoover", although he pronounces it more like "Rooooooooooba".

He has just cut his 5th tooth and he eats anything/everything in sight, including garlic bread, tomato slices, bananas, chili con carne and enjoys a nice cup of tea in the morning. He doesn't like Appletise.

Sunday 4 May 2008

One year old

I can't believe how much has happened in the last year! Charlie seems to have grown up from a tiny little burping baby in to a remarkable little boy. He fits in to our little family perfectly with his cheeky sense of humour, large appetite, love of music & football and a loud booming voice.


