Thursday 27 September 2007

The parsnip kid

Charlie has been progressing in many ways again recently. He is now really enjoying his solid food - consuming rice, sweet potato, parsnip, carrot and pears, sometimes all for one meal!

He has been babbling quite a lot too and has a really lovely little voice, even when it's at 5.30am.

He has also started propping himself up on his arms and quite enjoys looking around from a different perspective.

He has started going to a new baby group where they sing songs and play musical instruments. All the other babies get grumpy half way through, but Charlie keeps on laughing all the way to the end (and beyond). He's getting the hang of swimming now and has started splashing instead of sitting quietly.


Sunday 16 September 2007

Jaws vs Babe:Pig in the city

On Friday we finally made it out to the Sea Life Centre in Birmingham. It was one of our first proper Family Days Out, made even better by the fact we did it for free using Tesco vouchers, including lunch at Cafe Rouge!

The first creatures we came across weren't fish though. On leaving the village, we came across two pigs in the road which I had to usher out of the way. They scarpered pretty quickly once they saw me coming with a camera.

The Sea Life Centre itself was really enjoyable and worth every penny we paid! They had lots of strange creatures, including some sort of massive eel that stares at passers by. There were many fish called Ray, some sharks, a massive spider-crab, sea-horses and two turtles. Lindsay liked the look of the sea bass so much that she decided to have one for lunch. I decided against the gammon....


Wednesday 12 September 2007


Sorry for the lack of blogging recently. I'm on holiday now, so I can catch up a bit.

No sign of any teeth yet but Charlie's hand is never far from his mouth. He's discovered a new sound which is a high pitched screeching noise. Sometimes he makes it continuously for 30 minutes.

We tried him in a door bouncer last week. At the moment, he doesn't do much bouncing, but he did take the opportunity to try to wander off while on his feet (probably trying to get away from the stupid noises I was making).

This week he has started on solid food - baby rice, pears and carrots. As expected, he loves his food and can polish off a bowl of baby rice in a couple of minutes without spilling anything. He doesn't quite understand the concept of a spoon yet; He expects a continuous flow, like breastfeeding, so he whinges impatiently in between spoonfuls.

On Monday we went swimming (my first time with C.) with about 30 other babies. One mum swam off with Charlie's swimming seat (he wasn't in it at the time).
Today we took him ten pin bowling, where he enjoyed all the bright lights and loud noises. It was funny to think that he is now heavier than any of the bowling balls! Tomorrow we hope to go to the Sea Life Centre to see what Charlie makes of it.

Latest weight tomorrow - by which time he will probably be the weight of 2 bowling balls.
