Monday 30 July 2007


Yesterday was Charlie's baptism - the big day! Fortunately, the weather changed just in time. As usual, Charlie took everything in his stride, including the big splash of water and being walked round the congregation by the minister. Thanks to everyone who was able to come & those who travelled far. Thanks for all the lovely presents. Even more thanks to the godparents Liese, Dan and Alex who all did a super job, even though one of you got lost on the way to the church (you know who you are); and one of you got stung by a wasp in a can of Stella (you know who you are).
Lots of pics of the occasion (if anyone has more - please email them to me):

Baptism 025x.jpg
Baptism 027x.jpg
Baptism 031x.jpg
Baptism 012x.jpg
Baptism 014x.jpg
Baptism 015x.jpg
Baptism 024x.jpg

Back to the blog

I haven't updated the blog for a while, so here are some pictures to fill the gap. One of Charlie with his mummy, one with his "Great" Uncle Andrew and finally chilling out in his Hawaiian bodysuit on the sofa! Latest weight was 15lb.


Friday 20 July 2007

Whose hand is it anyway?

Yesterday Charlie seemed to discover his hands for the first time. I caught him staring at his right hand while holding it in front of his face for a minute. Since then, his hands have been the focus of all his attention. It wasn't difficult to catch a photo of him doing it!

It's funny to think that until now, he probably just thought that they were a randomly appearing object, even though he was unknowingly controlling them.

The only downside with his new fascination is that if he moves his hand out of sight, he starts crying because he can no longer see it and doesn't quite have enough co-ordination to move it back!

11 weeks old today. Weight 14lb 12oz


Friday 13 July 2007

Charlie's chair

Today we bought a Bumbo, which is a comfy chair for babies to sit in. We thought it would encourage Charlie to start supporting his own head. He seems to enjoy the experience:


Wednesday 11 July 2007

Over a stone

Charlie is now 14lb 5oz, so he's well over a stone now. His illness hasn't had any adverse impact on his weight and he is definitely back to his usual self.

See below for the most recent photos. He now has quite a range of expressions. The photo where I am looking more gormless than Charlie is his first outing to the pub!

Charlie's favourite thing at the moment is for me to make a birdie sound by whistling while wobbling my lips. I learnt this trick from Dan, who in turn credits his dad for inventing it.


Tuesday 3 July 2007

Nothing cures insomnia like the realisation that it's time to get up

As promised, we managed to capture some footage of Charlie waking up. It is usually a very long drawn-out process involving stretching, yawning, squirming, flapping, grunting and even sticking his finger up his nose. If we're lucky, he then wakes up with a smile. Often he'll drift back to sleep.

Get me to the church on time

Last weekend we went to Liese and James' wedding at the historic Holy Trinity Church in Stratford-Upon-Avon. We all had a super time. Charlie and Lindsay got dressed up for the occasion and I had my hair cut.

Another baby at the wedding was also called Charlie which made things both easy and confusing simultaneously. At the church, the "other Charlie" hiccupped during one of the readings, making Liese think that someone had got drunk before the service. "Our Charlie" also sought attention by laughing whenever the Minister spoke through the echoing microphone.


Monday 2 July 2007

Poorly little poppet

Charlie has been rather poorly for the last 3 or 4 days. the doctor tells us that he has bronchiolitis which makes him wheeze and cough a lot. The clinic still went ahead with his jabs today which has made him really miserable indeed. As a result he is going to spend the week at home resting on the sofa with lots of cushions, putting on a brave face:-
